Physics extra banner

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Physics Extra are open-access web pages and links that both students and external users have found useful, sometimes very useful. They are not the official course pages for current courses but provide supplementary information in the subjects covered. We hope that those who have found them useful will continue to do so and others will also benefit.

Clicking on any of the buttons above will take you to the relevant page.

Virtual Physics applets
How to score well
Interesting & useful sites for physics students
500 years of Physics at Aberdeen
Our Astronomical Observatory
The away weekend
The Geddes Prize
The Lemur Project
S6 and Physics teachers' CPD

Physics has been taught for over 500 years at the University of Aberdeen, where it has a distinguished history.

The city of Aberdeen provides one of the most attractive centres for study in Britain. It is also well-known for a particular brand of humour.

We also have a very useful page on essential guidance for doing well as a student.

Worth visiting is our page of Physics related interesting and useful sites.



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Initial design by Jan Skakle
Content John Reid /
Last updated Jun 2020